When i open firefox and click the Hotmail link, it opens up my hotmail inbox without me signing in and after a few seconds the page goes black and tries to redirect to SPONSERNET.COM but the page just stays black.
I have restarted in safe mode , system restore off , spydoctor scanned and came up with nothing...
Anyone got any ideas ?
thanks in advance for any help :)
Has my browser been hijacked?microsoft frontpage
it does sound like a browser hijack , but for what ever it may be worth NEVER EVER use Mcafee or Norton , they are the two biggest pieces of garbage in the Anti virus world , you do not have to take my word for it , just google it , Avast and avg are every bit as good and in most cases better .
this link does a real nice job of unjacking your browser , just make sure to turn system restore off first
Has my browser been hijacked?windows vista home premium internet explorer
You have a Trojan virus. Go to Adware.com and download there software, it will cost you about 30 bucks but well worth it.
It certainly sounds like you've been infected with something.
Despite the incorrect opinions I have seen stating that FF is supposedly a safer browser.. this just isn't the case in my opinion as a certified information security professional.
I don't know what kind of inadequate security programs you are using either... I've seen a lot of people recommend everythig from crap to malicious programs on here knowingly.. I advise a reliable suite that includes complete protection from a reliable vendor (like mcafee or even norton if that floats your boat) as long as whichever you choose is properly configured and completely up to date... along with windows updates, safe browsing habits, and above all.. common sense.
Good Luck
You have likely been infected by something nasty.
Please download some of the programs here to see if they can help solve the problem:
All those listed on the page above are free and trusted.
If all else fails, you may wish to try out ParasiteDB's disinfection service.
This service is created and maintained by professional malware removal experts. For a small fee, you can easily get one-on-one help on removing any nasties you may have on your computer. The malware removal expert on your case will also give recommendations on how to protect your computer in the future.
The link is at:
spydoctor or spyware doctor?
The first one could be a fake program not detecting anything. The second one is the real program by PC Tools.
Try running HiJackThis and post the results on the forums so a member/expert can tell you what to do from there.
There is a little free program called hijackthis its free. What you do is download it and run a scan. the press the fix it button button and it will remove. But you can also remove it yourself. Go to start and run and type in regedit. Double click on HKEY_LOCAL_Machine and double click and you see software now in the software list look for sponsernet.com and delete it.and all it keys in the right pane. Next restart your computer pressing the F8 a few time and click on reboot and it should remove.
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