Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Where can I find true warriors in life who are willing to be part of a team, moving forward to freed

I am building a team of leaders, who through the performance of a proven battle plan will become personally and financialy free by helping others succeed. I am on the fast track and prefer to rip the bandaid off quickly as opposed to soaking it in comfy, warm water. The team I am building will work consistantly for 8 to 24 months above and beyond their current job commitment to be done with the pain of a job for the rest of thier lives, and in the process we will have brought value and freedom into the lives of hundreds of families across the globe. Parents home to raise their kids, marriages saved, poverty undone, addictions overcome. All through the power of a dream. We only have a few years folks. Surplus cash, and tons of it, will be required to survive through early 2000's into 2025. Anyone can be on my team and the coolest part is that you are already doing what it takes everyday. Let me teach you how to redirect your retail dollars or hide in the bushes and watch. Tag! your it!

Where can I find true warriors in life who are willing to be part of a team, moving forward to freedom?windows defender

Osama Bin Laden will be willing to recruit you into his happy band of comitted warriors. Or try some Ninjas.

Where can I find true warriors in life who are willing to be part of a team, moving forward to freedom?windows updates internet explorer

you can find people every where that want to make money but, i (like most poeple) don't have the money to spend to make money. unless you have a way to make money with out spending money i can't be of service to you. I'm holding down two jobs now just to live hand to mouth. I'm sure there are those out there though that will fork out money to make money. so keep trying.

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